How to Be Human in an Inhuman World: Colossians for Daily Living
How to Be Human in an Inhuman World offers a daily exploration of the profound insights found in the letter to the Colossians.
Colossians resonates deeply with the challenges of a dehumanizing world that is filled with anxiety, depression, addiction, and loneliness. In this tumultuous time, there is a pressing need for restoration of our humanity, and who better to guide us than the Creator who intimately knows our design and became one of us? Within the pages of Colossians, Paul and Timothy boldly affirm that Jesus is not only our Creator and the blueprint for human flourishing, but also the means through which our humanity can be restored.
This daily Bible study breaks down passages from Colossians into manageable, bite-sized portions, providing daily reminders of how to navigate the complexities of being human in an inhuman world. Engage with thoughtful discussion questions included in the guide, suitable for both individual reflection and group study. Let the wisdom of Colossians guide you through the journey of rediscovering and reclaiming your humanity in the face of a challenging and dehumanizing world

Meet GOD (Before You Die)
Two questions haunt us: Is there a God? and What is God like? Interestingly, the Bible doesn’t focus on the First Question; it is all about the Second Question (What is God like?). That is the question we really want answered. We want to know not just that God exists, but our hearts long for an “encounter” with the Living God, to plumb the depths of intimacy with Him. And that is exactly what God wants, too. God becomes very personal in Jesus, who shows us exactly what God is like. As it turns out, God is the Relentless Seeker, the Reckless Lover, the Reigning King, and the Restful Father. Each of us will meet God when we die, but God comes to encounter you now (before you die), so that you can begin enjoying in this life the fullness of the life to come.

From Fish to Glory
From Fish to Glory: 1 Peter for Daily Living is a daily devotional guide to the letter written by one of Jesus’ closest friends, Simon Peter. Peter wasn’t an elegant scholar, but a working fisherman whose life was changed by the embrace of his best friend, risen from the dead. Nothing was ever the same again for Peter. He had a “living hope”, the hope that we will live forever in love and never die, and that what we do in this life can have eternal meaning and purpose. His letter addresses the most important questions we face:
- What is life for?
- What do we do with suffering?
- How do we live?
Passages from 1 Peter are viewed in “bite-size” doses so that you can be encouraged with daily reminders of our “living hope”.

The Judge and the Left-Footed Leaders
This book explores the world and the messages of the Old Testament books of Judges and Ruth. The book of Judges describes a nation strikingly similar to the United States at the beginning of the 21st century. The nation of Israel at the time was racked by violence, greed, sexual abuse, civil war, political turmoil, and racial tension. The underlying causes of such unrest were that “people had forgotten God” and “everyone did what was right in their own eyes.” In contrast, Ruth portrays a community where people demonstrate unselfishness, kindness, and civility. Ruth demonstrates how the Israelites were supposed to live and how that quality of living can infiltrate and change a culture. Judges and Ruth were meant to be read together. Judges is a mirror and a warning; Ruth is a beautiful picture and an inspiration.

Set Me Free!
How can churches adapt to changes in our culture while preserving the integrity of the gospel and maintaining congregational unity? What does the Bible say about tradition and change?
This book gleans a model from the teachings of Jesus and Paul to deal with differing Christian traditions. It then addresses several controversial issues now facing churches: how we read the Bible; worship; women’s ministries; and fellowshipping with the larger Christian community.
A rich and mature work providing the kind of biblical engagement that we need more of at this crucial juncture.
Leonard Allen, author of The Cruciform Church
My hope is that every church leader will work carefully and prayerfully through this book. You will be enriched.
Mike Cope, Highland Church, Abilene, TX